Development of polarization-resolved optical scanning microscopy imaging techniques to study biomolecular organizations


Light, as electromagnetic radiation, conveys energy through space and time via fluctuations in electric and magnetic fields. This thesis explores the interaction of light and biological structures through polarization-resolved imaging techniques. Light microscopy, and polarization analysis enable the examination of biological entities. Biological function often centers on chromatin, the genetic material composed of DNA wrapped around histone proteins within cell nuclei. This structure's chiral nature gives rise to interactions with polarized light. This research encompasses three main aspects. Firstly, an existing multimodal Circular Intensity Differential Scattering (CIDS) and fluorescence microscopy are upgraded into an open configuration to be integrated with other modalities. Secondly, a novel cell classification method employing CIDS and a phasor representation is introduced. Thirdly, polarization analysis of fluorescence emission is employed for pathological investigations. Accordingly, the thesis is organized into three chapters. Chapter 1 lays the theoretical foundation for light propagation and polarization, outlining the Jones and Stokes-Mueller formalisms. The interaction between light and optical elements, transmission, and reflection processes are discussed. Polarized light's ability to reveal image contrast in polarizing microscopes, linear and nonlinear polarization-resolved microscopy, and Mueller matrix microscopy as a comprehensive technique for studying biological structures are detailed. Chapter 2 focuses on CIDS, a label-free light scattering method, including a single point angular spectroscopy mode and scanning microscopy imaging. A significant upgrade of the setup is achieved, incorporating automation, calibration, and statistical analysis routines. An intuitive phasor approach is proposed, enabling image segmentation, cell discrimination, and enhanced interpretation of polarimetric contrast. As a result, image processing programs have been developed to provide automated measurements using polarization-resolved laser scanning microscopy imaging integrated with confocal fluorescence microscopy of cells and chromatin inside cell nuclei, including the use of new types of samples such as progeria cells. Chapter 3 applies a polarization-resolved two-photon excitation fluorescence (2PEF) microscopy to study multicellular cancerous cells. A homemade 2PEF microscope is developed for colon cancer cell analysis. The integration of polarization and fluorescence techniques leads to a comprehensive understanding of the molecular orientation within samples, particularly useful for cancer diagnosis. Overall, this thesis presents an exploration of polarization-resolved imaging techniques for studying biological structures, encompassing theory, experimental enhancements, innovative methodologies, and practical applications

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