Decisioning 2022 : Collaboration in knowledge discovery and decision making: Applications to sustainable agriculture


Sustainable agriculture is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by UN (United Nations), but little systematic work on Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making has been applied to it. Knowledge discovery and decision making are becoming active research areas in the last years. The era of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data science, in which linked data with a high degree of variety and different degrees of veracity can be easily correlated and put in perspective to have an empirical and scientific perception of best practices in sustainable agricultural domain. This requires combining multiple methods such as elicitation, specification, validation, technologies from semantic web, information retrieval, formal concept analysis, collaborative work, semantic interoperability, ontological matching, specification, smart contracts, and multiple decision making. Decisioning 2022 is the first workshop on Collaboration in knowledge discovery and decision making: Applications to sustainable agriculture. It has been organized by six research teams from France, Argentina, Colombia and Chile, to explore the current frontier of knowledge and applications in different areas related to knowledge discovery and decision making. The format of this workshop aims at the discussion and knowledge exchange between the academy and industry members.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

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