Transgender identity as a selectivity factor of access to health: an outline of the brazilian social symbolic structure: Identidade transgênero como fator de seletividade de acesso à saúde: um esboço da estrutura simbólica social brasileira


The emergence of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), arising from the 1988 citizen's constitution, constituted a fundamental pillar in the realization of inclusive and universal public health, while it aroused among the sectors of society the reflection there is about the need of thinking about health as something that goes beyond the walls of hospitals and curative policies, but rather as the sum of health actions that have the population as the main protagonists of care. Based on this question, the present literature review will seek subsidies in the context of symbolic social structuring, lending itself to analyze how living in a society guided by patriarchal values and moral principles can interfere in health care. Furthermore, it proposes to discuss how professional performance based on the pillars of heteronormativity and personal beliefs, presents itself as limiting factors for effective health care for the transgender population

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