Exploiting Structural Properties in the Analysis of High-dimensional Dynamical Systems


The physical and cyber domains with which we interact are filled with high-dimensional dynamical systems. In machine learning, for instance, the evolution of overparametrized neural networks can be seen as a dynamical system. In networked systems, numerous agents or nodes dynamically interact with each other. A deep understanding of these systems can enable us to predict their behavior, identify potential pitfalls, and devise effective solutions for optimal outcomes. In this dissertation, we will discuss two classes of high-dimensional dynamical systems with specific structural properties that aid in understanding their dynamic behavior. In the first scenario, we consider the training dynamics of multi-layer neural networks. The high dimensionality comes from overparametrization: a typical network has a large depth and hidden layer width. We are interested in the following question regarding convergence: Do network weights converge to an equilibrium point corresponding to a global minimum of our training loss, and how fast is the convergence rate? The key to those questions is the symmetry of the weights, a critical property induced by the multi-layer architecture. Such symmetry leads to a set of time-invariant quantities, called weight imbalance, that restrict the training trajectory to a low-dimensional manifold defined by the weight initialization. A tailored convergence analysis is developed over this low-dimensional manifold, showing improved rate bounds for several multi-layer network models studied in the literature, leading to novel characterizations of the effect of weight imbalance on the convergence rate. In the second scenario, we consider large-scale networked systems with multiple weakly-connected groups. Such a multi-cluster structure leads to a time-scale separation between the fast intra-group interaction due to high intra-group connectivity, and the slow inter-group oscillation, due to the weak inter-group connection. We develop a novel frequency-domain network coherence analysis that captures both the coherent behavior within each group, and the dynamical interaction between groups, leading to a structure-preserving model-reduction methodology for large-scale dynamic networks with multiple clusters under general node dynamics assumptions

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