
Kepentingan Maroko melakukan normalisasi hubungan dengan Israel melalui Deklarasi Bersama Maroko dengan Israel


This study aims to analyze Morocco's interests in normalizing relations with Israel through the Joint Declaration.This declaration is an effort to normalize diplomatic relations carried out by Morocco and Israel. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting secondary data from various sources from literature studies and online network systems. In this study, the authors use the Theory of Realism initiated by Robert Jackson and Georg Sorensen and using the concept of national interest from H. Morgenthau. The results of the research show that there is a national interest that Morocco is trying to achieve in normalizing relations with Israel through a joint declaration that will be implemented in 2020. According to Morgenthau, national interests consist of three aspects, namely physical identity interests, political interests to cultural interests. In line with this, Morocco normalized with Israel because of physical identity interests, namely the desire to maintain integrity and power in the Western Sahara region, political interests, namely to gain support and additional strength from Israel and Western groups, as well as cultural interests, as the heyday of the former Moroccan Kingdom. are in the same government as Western Sahara. Therefore, from the normalization of diplomatic relations, Morocco will gain recognition in terms of controlling Western Sahara and obtaining political support from Israel and the United States, as well as other benefits

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