
Budaya patriarki dalam cerita rakyat Jawa Timur (Patriarchal culture in East Java folklores)


Folklore is a space for gender construction to take place from the point of view of the Indonesian people. It contains valuesthat become the ideology of society, including story characters in conveying messages. This study aims to explain the pattern of patriarchal culture in East Javanese folklore and explain the factors in the formation of patriarchal cultural patterns inEast Javanese folklore.The approach used is feminism to unravel the issue of patriarchal culture in East Javanese folklore. The data source is a collection of Nusantara Folklore published by Adicita Karya Nusa 2nd, printed on September 2015, specifically for East Java folklore. The research data is story sequences in the form of sentences or paragraphs that describe patriarchal values. The descriptive method was used to describe the phenomenon of patriarchal values in folklore. The research data collection technique uses documentation studies employing critical and creative reading. Research data analysis techniques are carried out by understanding the meaning in the text in depth, observing and exploring the message (content).The results showed that the pattern of patriarchal culture in East Javanese folklore places the male character in a vital position in the story so that they have various opportunities and access.There are several factors in forming a patriarchal cultural pattern, including economic, cultural, and people's thinking patterns. The conclusionof patriarchal culture in East Javanese folklore is that the male character is fully empowered while the female character is a little empowered in terms of decision making so that women are seen as feminine and men are masculine based on the patriarchal cultural construc

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