
Schema theory for gene expression programming


This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.This thesis studied a new variant of Evolutionary Algorithms called Gene Expression Programming. The evolution process of Gene Expression Programming was investigated from the practice to the theory. As a practice level, the original version of Gene Expression Programming was applied to a classification problem and an enhanced version of the algorithm was consequently developed. This allowed the development of a general understanding of each component of the genotype and phenotype separated representation system of the solution employed by the algorithm. Based on such an understanding, a version of the schema theory was developed for Gene Expression Programming. The genetic modifications provided by each genetic operator employed by this algorithm were analysed and a set of theorems predicting the propagation of the schema from one generation to another was developed. Also a set of experiments were performed to test the validity of the developed schema theory obtaining good agreement between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions

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