Professionalism of History Education Teachers at Man in Kerinci, Jambi Province


Teachers have an important role in education, so that to realize all reforms in education is very dependent on the role of the teacher. To be able to fulfill this, the teacher is required to master competencies in accordance with Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers in section 9, namely competencies that must be mastered to become a teacher such as pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence and social competence, if the teacher have mastered these four competencies, the teacher can be said to be a professional teacher. The approach used in this study is Mix Method, which is combining or combining two methods, namely quantitative and qualitative with the informant selection technique used is porposive sampling, and quantitative data in the analysis refers to Riduwan (2004, 87-88) and qualitatively analyzed by steps offered by Gay (2000: 449-529).Researcher's findings show that mastery of Pedagogic Competence of the history teachers in MAN in Kerinci Regency shows a figure of 78%, 76% Personality Competence, 74% Professional Competence, and 70% Social competence. The results of this study indicate that of all the percentages obtained have shown a good percentage but there are still many shortcomings to reach a perfect value of 100%. The efforts that have been made by the teacher to increase professionalism found in the field (1) continuing higher education, (2) participating in MGMP activities (3) following the KKG (4) teacher certification (5) making scientific work and curriculum development. but all these activities were not followed by all the teachers because there were many non-PNS teachers who did not participate in this activity. From the results of this study researchers also found constraints faced by teachers in historical studies such as (1) there are still many teachers who teach history are not in accordance with their educational background (2) limited costs and time to continue higher education level (3) lack of opportunity both from the personal teacher and from the education office to develop teacher competency (4) there are still teachers who have never participated in MGMP activities and KKG (5) teacher changes in each semester

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