Partycypacja pracowników w zakresie bhp – koncepcja metody pomiaru


The area of human resources management is inseparably connected with the employee’s health protection, that is, according to the definition adopted by the WHO, ensuring the state of physical, mental and social well-being. The development of the Occupational Safety and Health management systems, especially the effectiveness of the action taken, building a safety culture, requires involvement of all of the organization members, which is backed by the law and safety standard requirements. Measurement of employee participation in the area of occupational health and safety is a component of the safety climate in a fairly limited scope, which is why the authors developed a model covering the legal and systemic aspects of employee involvement in health and safety at the workplace. The objective of the article is to identify factors which enable evaluation of the involvement level of all of the organization members in OSH with the use of confirmatory factor analysis. The study results, which were obtained using the PAPI method on a group of 195 organization representatives, allowed for the construction of a tool for the measurement of the employee involvement in OSH, characterized by proper and high accuracy and reliability levels. Using the developed tool, proven was the positive correlation between the size of the organization and the employee involvement level in OSH

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