Market-Based Power System Test Cases Data


This dataset is aimed to provide the required data to equip the test cases to perform similar to a real electricity market. Datasets have been derived from multiple federal websites and electricity market sources used to augment the existing test cases to replicate the dispatch of a real electricity market. The datasets in this repository are described briefly below:1.“Clustered quadratic cost curves for test cases developed based on 2016 PJM market generator offers” contains data of PJM market generators into three clusters using the technique presented in [1]. The data is presented in Matlab nested-structured data format (.mat).2.“RTS96_PJMFuel_2016.txt” contains a modified RTS-96 test system in MATPOWER format with fuel type modified to represent the 2016 summer installed capacity (ICAP) of PJM as shown below. The test case has been equipped with generator’s thermal information (MMBtu/MWh) and emission information based on [2]. energy source || 2016 PJM ICAP (%) || modified RTS-96 capacity (%)coal || 36.6 || 37.1gas || 35.5 || 34.5hydro || 4.9 || 5.2nuclear || 18.2 || 19.2oil || 3.7 || 3.5multi-fuel || 0.4 || 0.53. “Augmented generator cost functions data for RTS-96 based on 2016 PJM market generator-offer data” is a collection of augmented cost functions for RTS-96 test case developed using the technique presented in [1]. The cluster data used for preparing this dataset is presented in this repository. The technique to use the augmented cost functions is presented in the data description.4.“capacity factors.xlsx” contains the capacity factors and annual energy percentage share of all the major fuel-turbine types used in PJM Interconnection during 2016. Seventeen fuel-turbine types have been presented in this dataset. This information is used to augment test cases with the fuel-turbine type used in emission studies.5.“emission_Factors.xlsx” contains the emission factors of CO2, SO2, and NOx based on information from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) AP-42 documents. The dataset contains the uncontrolled emission factors and the controllers' efficiency to reduce the corresponding air pollutant. 6.“thermal_curves.xlsx” contains the thermal efficiency of generators in PJM interconnection derived from 2016 EIA-923 data by dividing the heat required (MMBtu) by the net generation (MWh) per month. The thermal efficiency points are presented concerning the relative capacity factor developed based on the net generation in a month over the maximum generation of all the months.[1] V. Durvasulu and T. M. Hansen, "Market-based generator cost functions for power system test cases," in IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 194-205, Dec. 2018.[2] E. Krall, M. Higgins, and R. P. O’Neill, “RTO Unit Commitment Test System,” Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington D.C., July 2012.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

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