Results of the Second High Protein-High Lysine Wheat Observation Nursery Grown in 1976


This is the second report of results from a high protein-high lysine (HP-HL) observation nursery organized in 1974 by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station and the Science and Education Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, under a contract with the Agency for International Development, U. S. Department of State. Primary objectives of this nursery are to: (1) Systematically provide breeders and cooperators with superior genetic germplasm for elevated levels of protein and/or lysine. (2) Test the degree of expression of the high protein and high lysine traits in a diverse array of environments. Funding from USAID has permitted the Nebraska wheat program to establish breeding nurseries at Lincoln, Nebraska, for evaluation of winter genotypes and at Yuma, Arizona, for both spring and winter wheats. Advanced experimental lines distributed to breeders and cooperators in the 2nd HP-HL nursery were selected from numerous hybrid combinations of both spring and winter types. All exhibited elevated protein and/or elevated lysine in nursery trials at Nebraska and Arizona. The lines were screened for growth habit at Nebraska, and were assigned to the designated spring or winter sections of the 2nd HP-HL nursery

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