Survey Mode Integration and Data Fusion: Methods and challenges


A7. Best Practices in Data FusionDevelopment of new technologies (smart card, GPS, cell phones...) increases production of data sometimes in a continuous way. But for various reasons, including privacy concerns, these data generally not contain all needed information to match transportation needs especially for modelling purposes. It is also the case of most official data production such as travel surveys, time use surveys, housing surveys... which all contains precious information but none of them all the needed information. Data fusion methodologies allow to enrich the data in order to better meet data needs. In the same time data collection have to face increasing difficulties (cost, response rates...) in collecting data, representative of the whole population, through classical methods. Combining survey modes or methods are in some cases an opportunity to cope or at least to reduce this problem. Mixing these data impose to develop methods to identify modes or methods effects on collected data and to correct for them. This paper presents some of the methods available to treat data fusion and survey mode integration. Application are proposed on Lyon and Montreal areas

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    Last time updated on 01/11/2023