
Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah selalu memberikan perhatian khusus dari semua kalangan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetauan dan teknologi yang dimilikinya, terutama UMKM yang bergelut di bidang makanan. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan oleh UMKM Desa Sukadana adalah proses pembuatan saus tomat dan sambal. Akan tetapi produksi saus yang dilakukan mengalami kegagalan di bagian proses pembuatan. Sehingga pada kegiatan ini, Program Studi teknologi Industri Pertanian, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat untuk memberikan pelatihan terhadap UMKM Desa Sukadana dalam hal proses pembuatan saus serta proses sterilisasi yang baik. Selain itu Prodi TIP juga memberikan pelatihan tentang pembuatan sterilizer berbasis sinar UV-C. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa dihasilkan pelatihan bermanfaat berupa pelatihan pembuatan saus tomat dan saus sambel yang baik dan berkualitas. Selain itu kegiatan ini juga berhasil memberikan pelatihan dan pengetahuan tentang proses sterilisasi yang baik sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tidak mengalami kegagalan seperti sebelumnya. Pada bagian akhir kegitan ini berupa pelatihan perancangan alat sterilisasi yang terbaru, yaitu menggunaka sinar UV-C sebagai alat sterilisasinya.   The development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises always gives special attention from all walks of life. This is due to a lack of knowledge and technology, especially MSMEs that are engaged in the food sector. One of the efforts made by SMEs in Sukadana Village is the process of making tomato sauce and chili sauce. However, the production of sauce that was carried out failed in the manufacturing process. So that in this activity, the Agricultural Industry Technology Study Program, Sumbawa University of Technology carried out community service activities to provide training for SMEs in Sukadana Village in terms of the process of making sauces and good sterilization processes. This activity was carried out for 1 day, namely on October 21, 2021. While the preparation process for the initial independent research was from July 6 to October 20, 2021. The training was attended by 9 people, with details of 3 people from the TIP Study Program and 6 people from MSMEs. The TIP Study Program also provides training on the manufacture of UV-C light-based sterilizers. This training in making tomato sauce and chili sauce can run well and with quality. In addition, this activity has also succeeded in providing training and knowledge about a good sterilization process so that the resulting product does not fail as before. At the end of this activity, there is training on the design of the latest sterilizer, namely using UV-C light asa sterilizer

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