From Rhetoric to Reality: NCAA Division I Athletic Department Mission Statements and Student-Athlete Community Service Efforts


With the growing emphasis in higher education on developing character and social responsibility, the NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills program commitment to service is of interest as it encourages the development of well-rounded student athletes. In framing the current study, the researchers focused on how the communication of an athletic department’s mission impacts the community service activities for athletes. Mission statements are used to communicate the central purposes of organizations (Bart, 1996) to various internal and external audiences. Through website content analysis, this investigation reveals the importance placed upon service across athletic departments through the mission, and determines the effect of such goals on opportunities provided and action taken by members of the athletic department. The findings suggest a connection between the mission and action in regard to community service but indicate that the amount of service performed is not always a reflection of the mission statement in regards to community outreach

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