Mapping traditions:historically tendencies of an urban design method


Mapping has a long tradition as a method within urban design and landscape practice and is generally used in three ways: To analyze spatial conditions, generate design interventions, and communicate design ideas or spatial knowledge. It is a tool for thinking through the activity of reformulating and interpreting the complex and three-dimensional world into often simplistic, two-dimensional visual representations. Looking at mapping in retrospect, historically positions and tendencies that reflect contemporary society and urban landscape is revealed. This paper seeks to trace the mapping positions and tendencies through time. The paper takes its historically starting point in the period of the industrialization and seeks at outlining shifting understandings and perspectives of the spatial and physical world, which has affected plans and design of urban landscapes. From this unfolding of various mapping tendencies and ways of doing thought time, the paper wishes to discuss the contemporary tendencies of urban design mapping. Here the paper discusses the implication of technological improvement in mappings. Technology has and is affecting mappings in two ways. Firstly, technology has and still is advancing the accuracy of measures of urban structure, and it increases geospatial knowledge usable in mappings as GIS (Geographical Information System) is a result of. Secondly, technology enables new ways of sensing and understanding the world, which makes it relevant to reflect on how new technologies extend the human senses and what new spatial knowledge they might enable. Hence, the paper discusses the possibilities and implications of a more technology driven urban design mapping practice

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