Towards Robot Autonomy in Medical Procedures Via Visual Localization and Motion Planning


Robots performing medical procedures with autonomous capabilities have the potential to positively effect patient care and healthcare system efficiency. These benefits can be realized by autonomous robots facilitating novel procedures, increasing operative efficiency, standardizing intra- and inter-physician performance, democratizing specialized care, and focusing the physician’s time on subtasks that best leverage their expertise. However, enabling medical robots to act autonomously in a procedural environment is extremely challenging. The deforming and unstructured nature of the environment, the lack of features in the anatomy, and sensor size constraints coupled with the millimeter level accuracy required for safe medical procedures introduce a host of challenges not faced by robots operating in structured environments such as factories or warehouses. Robot motion planning and localization are two fundamental abilities for enabling robot autonomy. Motion planning methods compute a sequence of safe and feasible motions for a robot to accomplish a specified task, where safe and feasible are defined by constraints with respect to the robot and its environment. Localization methods estimate the position and orientation of a robot in its environment. Developing such methods for medical robots that overcome the unique challenges in procedural environments is critical for enabling medical robot autonomy. In this dissertation, I developed and evaluated motion planning and localization algorithms towards robot autonomy in medical procedures. A majority of my work was done in the context of an autonomous medical robot built for enhanced lung nodule biopsy. First, I developed a dataset of medical environments spanning various organs and procedures to foster future research into medical robots and automation. I used this data in my own work described throughout this dissertation. Next, I used motion planning to characterize the capabilities of the lung nodule biopsy robot compared to existing clinical tools and I highlighted trade-offs in robot design considerations. Then, I conducted a study to experimentally demonstrate the benefits of the autonomous lung robot in accessing otherwise hard-to-reach lung nodules. I showed that the robot enables access to lung regions beyond the reach of existing clinical tools with millimeter-level accuracy sufficient for accessing the smallest clinically operable nodules. Next, I developed a localization method to estimate the bronchoscope’s position and orientation in the airways with respect to a preoperatively planned needle insertion pose. The method can be used by robotic bronchoscopy systems and by traditional manually navigated bronchoscopes. The method is designed to overcome challenges with tissue motion and visual homogeneity in the airways. I demonstrated the success of this method in simulated lungs undergoing respiratory motion and showed the method’s ability to generalize across patients.Doctor of Philosoph

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