
In the article are presented five decisions of the European Court of Human Rights/Strassbourg, which dealt with gender identity as a part of recognized right to privacy: Goodwin v. United Kingdom, Van Kueck v. Germany, Grant v. United Kingdom, L. v. Lithuania, and Schlumpf v. Switzerland. The decisions of the ECHR oblige the state parties to share the costs of medical treatment of transsexuals and to develop good enough legal frameworks which regulate medical treatment and following changes in official status of the transsexuals. The standpoint of the Court is that the states have duty and transsexuals right to receive adequate medical treatment and official changes of their legal identity and status. Dissatisfactory and unacceptable is the legal situation of the transsexuals who passed the genital reconstruction operation without possibility to change their personal documents and other elements of legal status and thus to live in social vacuum, not belonging to any sex. The author also analyzed the transsexuality as always existing phenomena, known in Serbia too, although perceived as the very modern one. There also is the strong plea for protection of human rights of transsexual persons who certainly are not perverts, immoral or unstable personalities and who should be protected against discrimination and violence. There are also examples of different terminology in use, where the author stresses that the language also might be discriminative what should be avoided. The article is concluded by presentation of the five new politics in domain of transsexuality among which the most important is the March decision of the Constitutional Court of Republic of Serbia on obligatory change of personal names after the genital reconstruction operation.U ovom tekstu su prezentirane pet presuda Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koje se tiču ostvarivanja prava na rodni identitet kao deo prava na privatnost. Njima se nalaže državama da učestvuju u pokrivanju troškova medicinskih tretmana za transseksualne osobe i razviju zadovoljavajući zakonski okvir koji reguliše proces medicinskog tretmana prilagođavanja pola i prateće pravne promene statusa tih lica. Stav tog suda je da država ima dužnost a transseksualne osobe pravo da dobiju odgovarajući medicinski tretman transseksualnosti u vidu prilagođavanja pola, kao i da to mora da bude praćeno adekvatnom službenom promenom njihovog pravnog statusa. Nezadovoljavajuća i neprihvatljiva je pravna situacija da transseksualne osobe koje su putem operacije promenile pol, nastavljaju da žive u nekakvom pravnom međuprostoru, ne pripadajući u potpunosti ni jednom ni drugom polu. Tekst se završava navođenjem pet novih politika u oblasti transseksualnosti od kojih je najvažnija martovska odluka Ustavnog suda Republike Srbije o obaveznoj promeni imena nakon operativnog prilagođavanja pola

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