An Indacenopicene‐based Buckybowl Catcher for Recognition of Fullerenes


A novel buckybowl catcher with an extended π-surface has been synthesized via cross-coupling of two bowl shaped bromoindacenopicene moieties with a tolyl linker. The obtained catcher has been unambiguously characterized by 2D-NMR and mass spectrometry. DFT calculations indicate that the curved shape of the receptor moieties is favourable for binding fullerenes. Effective binding was confirmed for interactions with C60_{60} and C70_{70} utilizing NMR spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The resulting binding values show a higher affinity of the catcher towards C70_{70} over C60_{60}. The designed catcher demonstrated the fundamental possibility of creating sensors for spherical aromaticity

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