
U posljednjih nekoliko godina značaj poslovne logistike znatno je porastao. Takvo suvremeno poimanje logistike pomaže pri postizanju konkurentske prednosti poduzeća omogućavajući kraće vrijeme dobave robe te povećanu fleksibilnost proizvoda. S tim u svezi, glavnim ciljevima logistike smatraju se skraćivanje vremena protoka dobara, smanjivanje broja zaliha, skraćivanje vremena reakcije; čija je glavna svrha unaprjeđenje protoka dobara, ali i informacija. Suvremena poimanja ovog kompleksnog sustava navode poduzeća na usvajanje novih uvjeta poslovanja u kojima se sve veći značaj pridaje optimizaciji opskrbnog lanca. Dakle, više nije dovoljno samo proizvesti pravi proizvod te očekivati da će ga potrošači pronaći, potrebno je proizvod „plasirati“ do potrošača na najuspješniji način, a to se postiže upravo prostornovremenskom transformacijom. U cijelom opskrbnom lancu distribucija igra značajnu ulogu jer reprezentira onu fazu opskrbnog lanca koja je zadužena za skup aktivnosti koje omogućavaju isporuku odgovarajućih proizvoda, u odgovarajućem stanju, na odgovarajuće mjesto i u odgovarajuće vrijeme; sve to uz minimalne popratne troškove. Novi poslovni modeli opskrbnog lanca utječu i na transportnu logistiku koja se iz dana u dan sve više mijenja i prilagođava novim modelima poslovanja. Tako se promjene u transportnoj logistici ogledaju u činjenici da postoji sve veći broj neovisnih poduzetnika koji se specijaliziraju u pružanju takvih usluga – logističkih usluga treće strane. Poduzeće Orbico, osim što je jedan od najvećih distributera ovih područja, specijalizira se i u pružanju logističkih usluga treće strane svojim partnerima. Upravo zbog tako opširne poslovne mreže, sustav upravljanja skladištem u Orbicu je vrlo dobro razvijen te omogućava nesmetano svakodnevno cirkuliranje ogromnog broja proizvoda. Kako bi protok dobara mogao normalno teći te kako bi se uspješno ispunile funkcije skladišta, u svim skladištima poduzeća Orbico primjenjuju se procesi skladištenja, procesi pokretanja te popratna dokumentacija skladišnog poslovanja. Sve to ne bi bilo moguće bez dobro implementiranog sustava za upravljanje skladištem.In the last few years, the importance of business logistics has grown significantly. This modern understanding of logistics helps in achieving the competitive advantage of a company by enabling shorter delivery times and increased product flexibility. Regard this, the main goals of logistics are considered to be shortening the time of the flow of goods, reducing the number of stocks, shortening the reaction time; whose main purpose is to improve the flow of goods as well as informations. Modern concepts of this complex system lead companies to adopt new business conditions in which increasing importance is attached to the optimization of the supply chain. Therefore, it is no longer enough to just produce the right product and expect consumers to find it, it is necessary to "market" the product to the consumer in the most successful way, and this is achieved precisely through space-time transformation. In the entire supply chain, distribution plays a significant role because it represents that phase of the supply chain that is in charge of a set of activities that enable the delivery of the right products, in the right condition, to the right place and at the right time; all this with minimal accompanying costs. New business models of the supply chain also affect transport logistics, which is changing and adapting to new business models day by day. Thus, the changes in transport logistics are reflected in the fact that there is an increasing number of independent entrepreneurs who specialize in providing such services. The company Orbico, in addition to being one of the largest distributors in these areas, also specializes in providing logistics services to its partners. Precisely because of such an extensive business network, the warehouse management system in Orbico is very well developed and enables the daily circulation of a huge number of products. In order for the flow of goods to flow normally and to successfully fulfill the functions of the warehouse, all warehouses of the company Orbico use storage processes, start-up processes and accompanying documentation of warehouse operations. All this would not be possible without a well-implemented WMS system

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