Students attitudes' towards persons with mental health disorders


Uvod: Poremećaji mentalnog zdravlja učestali su i važan problem u Republici Hrvatskoj. Unatoč visokoj pojavnosti poremećaja mentalnog zdravlja, stigma je i dalje prisutan problem. Stigma utječe na kasnije traženje pomoći osoba s poremećajem mentalnog zdravlja te su samim time simptomi već uznapredovali što dovodi do kasnijeg liječenja. Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati stavove prema osobama s mentalnim poremećajima te razinu empatije kod studenata Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci, kao i razlike između studenata i studentica u stavovima te povezanost empatije sa stavovima. Ispitanici i metode: Provedeno je istraživanje putem upitnika na prigodnom uzorku od 94 studenta Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci. Korištena su dva validirana upitnika: Skala za mjerenje stavova zajednice prema mentalnoj bolesti (CAMI) te Skala emocionalne empatije. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da su pozitivniji stavovi prema osobama s poremećajem mentalnog zdravlja povezani s višom razinom empatije, te da studentice imaju pozitivnije stavove u usporedbi sa studentima. Razina empatije bila je viša kod studentica nego kod studenata. Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje naglašava značaj empatije kao važnog faktora u formiranju pozitivnih stavova prema osobama s poremećajem mentalnog zdravlja među studentima. Implementacija programa edukacije koji potiču razvoj empatije i osvještavanje stigmatizacije ima potencijal da doprinese promjeni društvenih normi i postizanju inkluzije i razumijevanja za osobe s poremećajem mentalnog zdravlja.Introduction: Mental health disorders are common and important problem in Croatia. Despite the high incidence of mental health disorders, stigma remains a problem. Stigma affects the later seeking for help of people with mental health disorders. Symptoms have often already advanced, which leads to later treatment. Aim: To examine the attitudes towards people with mental health disorders and the level of empathy among students of the Faculty of Health Studies, as well as the differences between male and female students in attitudes and the connection between empathy and attitudes. Participants and methods: The research was conducted through a questionnaire on a convenient sample of 94 students of the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka. Two validated questionnaires were used: Community Attitudes toward the Mentally Ill (CAMI) and the Scale of Emotional Empathy. Results: The results showed that more positive attitudes towards people with mental health disorders are associated with a higher level of empathy, and that female students have more positive attitudes compared to male students. The level of empathy was higher in female students than in male students. Conclusion: This research emphasizes the importance of empathy as an important factor in the formation of positive attitudes towards people with mental health disorders among students. The implementation of education programs that encourage the development of empathy and awareness of stigma has the potential to contribute to changing social norms and achieving inclusion and understanding for people with mental health disorders

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