Stone Age sites in the vicinity of Šeškučiai village


2019 m. šio straipsnio autoriai atliko žvalgomuosius ir detaliuosius tyrimus Veržuvos upelio (Neries intakas) aukštupio, šalia kurio įsikūręs Šeškučių kaimas, aplinkoje (Vilniaus r., Bezdonių sen.). Senovės gyvenvietes šiame regione L. Gaižauskas atrado 2018 m. (ATL 2018 metais, 2019, p. 31–39). Ieškant naujų archeologinių objektų, dabartinių ir spėjamų buvusių vandens telkinių pakrantėse 2018 m. vizualiai išžvalgytas 2,6 ha plotas, ištirta 150 kasinių (apie 37,5 m2) ir 12 šurfų (21 m2), gruntas tiriant kasinius ir šurfus išsijotas per 5 mm akies sietą. Archeologinių radinių aptikta 47 kasiniuose ir 11 šurfų, surastos 29 naujos archeologinės radimvietės. 5 radimvietėse archeologiniai radiniai surinkti tik paviršiuje, 24 radimvietėse aptikti 20–50 cm storio archeologiniai sluoksniai, ištirtos 3 įgilintos struktūros. Surinktas 1061 akmens amžiumi – ankstyvuoju metalų laikotarpiu datuojamas radinys. [...]13 new prehistoric loci, dated to the Mesolithic and Subneolithic, were discovered during a field evaluation in the region around the headwaters of the small river Veržuva in 2019 (Šeškučiai and neighbouring villages, Vilnius district). The evaluation procedure consisted of a fieldwalking survey and an excavation with various test pits, including shovel test pits. comprehensive excavations were also conducted at the Šeškučiai 1 locus of the Šeškučiai archaeological site. This locus has a horizontal rather than vertical stratigraphy with multiple occupations dating to the Mesolithic, Subneolithic, and Neolithic based on the typology of the flint tools and pottery. Some areas show virtually no mixing of the materials allowing the conclusion to be drawn that it would be possible to identify a series of discreet occupations by Subneolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic corded Ware culture groups at the site over time. The radiocarbon results indicate that a disturbance, possibly natural and connected with the period during the first half of 1st millennium bc, occurred in the area. No direct evidence was discovered of any interaction between the Subneolithic and corded Ware groups, which was the reason for the evaluation at Šeškučiai 1. However, substantial evidence was found for a more northern boundary for the settlement of Subneolithic Nemunas culture groups in Lithuania. Little temporal information currently exists on any interaction between these groups and the Subneolithic groups that produced Porous Ware. The district’s wetland areas are next in line to be evaluated for possible stratified contexts, which would allow a more detailed chronology to be created

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