Sağlık çalışanlarının adli psikiyatri hastakarına yönelik tutmları ve bu tutmlarını etkileyen faktörler


Health care personnel working with forensic psychiatric patients deal with cares and treatments of committing psychiatric patients. It is not easy at all to work with a patient group that was stigmatized twice both as guilty and as psychopath (4,8,16). In recent years, in the studies about health personnel, it is emphasized that strong senses of health personnel taking place in care and treatment of forensic psychiatric patients can prevent the personnel from performing their professional rotes (8,11,16) and it is necessary that those senses must be cleared away from the parameters of health personnel's own life experiences8. Therefore, those life experiences, personal beliefs, fears, stereotypes, myths, sbgmatizations (labelling) and cultural effects form the health personnel's response to the patient and this situation prevents the patients from having a sufficient and effective health service as well. For this reason, the importance of health personnel's individual awareness development toward the personal attitudes and beliefs that is breaking down the therapeutic qualification with the patient is also pointed out (8.16). It is not be forgotten that forensic psychiatric patients who cannot have a qualified, effective and sufficient care service, without being completely treated, either will get into society after a while or will spend their life in an inhuman environment The aim of this Article is to dwell on the attitudes of the health personnel giving care to forensic psychiatric patients toward those patients and on the factors effective in bringing out those attitudes.Adli psIkiyatri hastalari ile calisan saglik personeli, suc isleyen psIkiyatrik hastalarin bakim ve tedavisi ile ilgilenmektedir. Hem suclu hem de ruh hastasi olarak iki kez damgalanmis ve kolay incinebilir boyle bir hasta grubu ile calismak hic de kolay degildir (4, 8, 16). Son yillarda, saglik calisanlari ile yapilan calismalarda, adli psIkiyatri hastalarinin bakim ve tedavisinde yer alan saglik calisanlarina ait guclu duygularin, calisanlarin profesyonel rollerini yerine getirmesini onleyebilecegi (8, 11, 16) ve bu duygularin calisanlarin kendi yasam deneyimlerindeki parametrelerden kaldirilmasinin gerekliligi vurgulanmaktadir8. Cunku, bu yasam deneyimleri, kisisel inanislar, korkular, stereotipiler, mitler, stigmalar (etiketlemeler) ve kulturel etkiler saglik calisanlarinin hastaya yanitini sekillendirmekte ve bu da hastalarin yeterli ve etkin bir saglik hizmeti almasina engel olmaktadir. Bu sebeple, saglik calisanlarinin, hasta ile olan tedavi edici niteligi bozan, bu kisisel tutum ve inanclarina yonelik bireysel farkindaliklarinin gelistirilmesinin onemine ayrica dikkat cekilmektedir . Unutulmamalidir ki, kaliteli, etkin ve yeterli bir bakim hizmeti alamayan adli psIkiyatri hastalari, bir sure sonra tam olarak tedavi edilmeksizin, ya topluma karisacak ya da insanlik disi bir ortamda omrunu tuketecektir. Bu makalenin amaci, adli psIkiyatri hastalarina bakim veren saglik calisanlarinin bu hastalara yonelik tutumlarinin ve bu tutumlarin olusmasinda etkili olan faktorlerin uzerinde durmaktir

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