The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Natural Fault Zones in Basaltic Rocks - appendices


   This digital appendix accompanies the thesis “The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Natural Fault Zones in Basaltic Rocks”. It contains the data from X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of fault rock samples described in chapter 3, and the results from hydromechanical characterisation of fault rocks described in chapter 4.  XRF analysis was performed in the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment using a PANanalytical Axios Advanced wavelength dispersive spectrometer. The result file (XRF data.xlsx) contains the original measurements, the data recalculated to anhydrous composition, and standard deviations. This is accompanied by results of repeated analysis of international reference materials for calibration, “XRF calibration.xlsx”, and a text file used for calculations and plotting in Python, “batch1_recalc.txt”, containing the fault rock composition (recalculated to include LOI) as well as literature data of Faroese basalt composition from Soager & Holm (2011). Additional literature data of Faroese basalt composition by Holm et al. (2001) is contained in “Holm2001.txt”. The data was analysed and plotted in the Jupyter notebook ”massbalance_calculations.ipynb”, and a 1D volume change estimation across the Gotugjogv fault zone is presented in “mass_balance.xlsx”. Hydromechanical experiments were performed at the Rock Physics and Mechanics Lab of the British Geological Survey in Keyworth. The experimental procedure can be reproduced from the file “”. Experimental results are grouped in folders and include the mechanical data recorded at intervals of 250 ms in “Time Test data.dat” and of 500 N in “specimen.dat”. Fluid pressure evolution is recorded in “SAMPLE-NAME_perm.txt”. The data was processed in a Jupyter notebook, “SAMPLE-NAME.ipynb”.    Holm et al., 2001, Chem. Geol., Soager & Holm, 2011, Chem. Geol.,</p

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