Metafiction, a Postmodernism Method: Case Study of Tamashaye Yek Royaye Tabah Shode (Watching a Wrecked Dream) Novel by Bijan Bijari


Metafiction is a story about the process of writing a story in which the author deliberately and by revealing the craft of writing emphasizes the unreal and fiction of his story. The present study is an analytical and descriptive study of metafiction skills in the novel ‘Watching a Wrecked Dream’ by Bijan Bijari. The results suggest that the disorder in this novel is self-conscious and systematic in the form of extravagant learnings such as revealing the preparation, creating parallel and overlapping worlds, intertwining the real and imaginary world, short circuit, intertextuality, creating an artificial structure in the text, etc. These transcendental techniques are an attempt by the author to tell the reader what he reads is neither the representation of objective reality like realism nor the recreation of mental reality like modernism, rather it is a story based on imagination and unreality, except for verbal and verbal games. So in different ways, and most of all, by revealing the craft of writing, constantly reminding the reader of the fabrication and storytelling of the text, he eventually succeeds in creating the metafiction

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