
Supersonic airplanes for two generations into the future (N+2, 2020-2025 EIS) were designed: the 100 passenger 765-072B, and the 30 passenger 765-076E. Both achieve a trans-Atlantic range of about 4000nm. The larger 765-072B meets fuel burn and emissions goals forecast for the 2025 time-frame, and the smaller 765-076E improves the boom and confidence in utilization that accompanies lower seat count. The boom level of both airplanes was reduced until balanced with performance. The final configuration product is two "realistic", non-proprietary future airplane designs, described in sufficient detail for subsequent multi-disciplinary design and optimization, with emphasis on the smaller 765-076E because of its lower boom characteristics. In addition IGES CAD files of the OML lofts of the two example configurations, a non-proprietary parametric engine model, and a first-cycle Finite Element Model are also provided for use in future multi-disciplinary analysis, optimization, and technology evaluation studies

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