Identifying the applications and requirements of using artificial intelligence in new automotive products


Artificial intelligence provides unique opportunities to improve the performance of various industries, including the automotive industry. The present study seeks to identify the applications and requirements of using artificial intelligence in new automotive products such as self-driving cars by obtaining opinions from managers and employees of domestic automotive companies through semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. The interviewees included 11 managers and 17 employees, of which 15 had a bachelor's degree, 11 had a master's degree, and 2 had a doctorate degree. 21 codes were identified in the applications section and 26 codes were identified in the requirements section. After conducting 28 interviews, theoretical saturation was achieved. From the codes identified in the applications section, self-driving cars and voice assistants, shared transportation, and resource allocation, expert staff, and team formation can be mentioned in the requirements section. Considering the variety of artificial intelligence applications in new car products and according to the specified requirements according to the opinions of experts, the development of a suitable platform for hard and soft technologies in an integrated manner; And government support regarding the creation of legal infrastructure can improve the development path of the current technology. Of course, in order to create a context for the successful operation of artificial intelligence in the automotive industry, all the effects of its application from different cultural and social aspects should be considered with a systematic perspective

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