
Elongated Tetrakaidecahedron Micromechanics Model for Space Shuttle External Tank Foams


The results of microstructural characterization studies and physical and mechanical testing of BX-265 and NCFI24-124 foams are reported. A micromechanics model developed previously by the authors is reviewed, and the resulting equations for the elastic constants, the relative density, and the strength of the foam in the principal material directions are presented. The micromechanics model is also used to derive equations to predict the effect of vacuum on the tensile strength and the strains induced by exposure to vacuum. Using a combination of microstructural dimensions and physical and mechanical measurements as input, the equations for the elastic constants and the relative density are applied and the remaining microstructural dimensions are predicted. The predicted microstructural dimensions are in close agreement with the average measured values for both BX-265 and NCFI24-124. With the microstructural dimensions, the model predicts the ratio of the strengths in the principal material directions for both foams. The model is also used to predict the Poisson s ratios, the vacuum-induced strains, and the effect of vacuum on the tensile strengths. However, the comparison of these predicted values with the measured values is not as favorable

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