New Complexity Trade-Offs for the (Multiple) Number Field Sieve Algorithm in Non-Prime Fields


The selection of polynomials to represent number fields crucially determines the efficiency of the Number Field Sieve (NFS) algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm in a finite field. An important recent work due to Barbulescu et al. builds upon existing works to propose two new methods for polynomial selection when the target field is a non-prime field. These methods are called the generalised Joux-Lercier (GJL) and the Conjugation methods. In this work, we propose a new method (which we denote as A\mathcal{A}) for polynomial selection for the NFS algorithm in fields FQ\mathbb{F}_{Q}, with Q=pnQ=p^n and n>1n>1. The new method both subsumes and generalises the GJL and the Conjugation methods and provides new trade-offs for both nn composite and nn prime. Let us denote the variant of the (multiple) NFS algorithm using the polynomial selection method ``{X} by (M)NFS-{X}. Asymptotic analysis is performed for both the NFS-A\mathcal{A} and the MNFS-A\mathcal{A} algorithms. In particular, when p=LQ(2/3,cp)p=L_Q(2/3,c_p), for cp[3.39,20.91]c_p\in [3.39,20.91], the complexity of NFS-A\mathcal{A} is better than the complexities of all previous algorithms whether classical or MNFS. The MNFS-A\mathcal{A} algorithm provides lower complexity compared to NFS-A\mathcal{A} algorithm; for cp(0,1.12][1.45,3.15]c_p\in (0, 1.12] \cup [1.45,3.15], the complexity of MNFS-A\mathcal{A} is the same as that of the MNFS-Conjugation and for cp(0,1.12][1.45,3.15]c_p\notin (0, 1.12] \cup [1.45,3.15], the complexity of MNFS-A\mathcal{A} is lower than that of all previous methods

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