Fault-propagation Pattern Based DFA on SPN Structure Block Ciphers using Bitwise Permutation, with Application to PRESENT and PRINTcipher


This paper proposes a novel fault-propagation pattern based differential fault analysis method - FPP-DFA, and proves its feasibility on SPN structure block ciphers using bitwise permutation, such as PRESENT and PRINTcipher. Simulated experiments demonstrate that, with the fault model of injecting one nibble fault into the r-2th round substitution layer, on average 8 and 16 faulty samples can reduce the master key search space of PRESENT-80/128 to 214.72^{14.7} and 221.12^{21.1} respectively, and 12 and 24 effective faulty samples can reduce the master key search space of PRINTcipher-48/96 to 213.72^{13.7} and 222.82^{22.8} respectively; with the fault model of injecting one nibble fault into the r-3th round substitution layer, 8 samples can reduce the master key search space of PRINTCipher-96 to 218.72^{18.7}

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