One-Hot Conversion: Towards Faster Table-based A2B Conversion


Arithmetic to Boolean masking (A2B) conversion is a crucial technique in the masking of lattice-based post-quantum cryptography. It is also a crucial part of building a masked comparison which is one of the hardest to mask building blocks for active secure lattice-based encryption. We first present a new method, called one-hot conversion, to efficiently convert from higher-order arithmetic masking to Boolean masking using a variant of the higher-order table-based conversion of Coron et al. Secondly, we specialize our method to perform arithmetic to 1-bit Boolean functions. Our one-hot function can be applied to masking lattice-based encryption building blocks such as masked comparison or to determine the most significant bit of an arithmetically masked variable. In our benchmarks, a speedup of 40 to 66 times is achieved over state-of-the-art table-based A2B conversions, bringing table-based A2B conversions in the performance range of the Boolean circuit-based A2B conversions by only a slowdown of factor 1.2 to 2

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