Capabilities of NASA's Space Physics Data Facility as Resources to Enable the Heliophysics Virtual discipline Observatories (VxOs)


SPDF now supports a broad range of data, user services and other activities. These include: CDAWeb current multi-mission data graphics, listings, file subsetting and supersetting by time and parameters; SSCWeb and 3-D Java client orbit graphics, listings and conjunction queries; OMNIWeb 1/5/60 minute interplanetary parameters at Earth; product-level SPASE descriptions of data including holdings of nssdcftp; VSPO SPASE-based heliophysics-wide product site finding and data use;, standard Data format Translation Webservices (DTWS); metrics software and others. These data and services are available through standard user and application webservices interfaces, so middleware services such as the Heliophysics VxOs, and externally-developed clients or services, can readily leverage our data and capabilities. Beyond a short summary of the above, we will then conduct the talk as a conversation to evolving VxO needs and planned approach to leverage such existing and ongoing services

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