
Experimental Investigation of Rotating Stall in a Research Multistage Axial Compressor


A collection of experimental data acquired in the NASA low-speed multistage axial compressor while operated in rotating stall is presented in this paper. The compressor was instrumented with high-response wall pressure modules and a static pressure disc probe for in-flow measurement, and a split-fiber probe for simultaneous measurements of velocity magnitude and flow direction. The data acquired to-date have indicated that a single fully developed stall cell rotates about the flow annulus at 50.6% of the rotor speed. The stall phenomenon is substantially periodic at a fixed frequency of 8.29 Hz. It was determined that the rotating stall cell extends throughout the entire compressor, primarily in the axial direction. Spanwise distributions of the instantaneous absolute flow angle, axial and tangential velocity components, and static pressure acquired behind the first rotor are presented in the form of contour plots to visualize different patterns in the outer (midspan to casing) and inner (hub to mid-span) flow annuli during rotating stall. In most of the cases observed, the rotating stall started with a single cell. On occasion, rotating stall started with two emerging stall cells. The root cause of the variable stall cell count is unknown, but is not attributed to operating procedures

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