
INTEGRAL Observations of the Pulsar PSR J1846-0258


We present the results of a study of the high-energy properties of PSR J1846-0258 using INTEGRAL data PSR J1846-0258 has a period of 325 ms and is embedded within a PWN that is associated with the SNR KES 75. This pulsar is unusual for two reasons. First, like Geminga, no radio pulsations have yet been detected from this pulsar. It has thus far been detected exclusively in the X-ray and gamma-ray bands. Second, it has a large inferred magnetic field, approx. 5 x 10(exp 13) G. The 20-200 keV spectra derived from 2.35 Msec of INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI observations are consistent with an extension of the previous spectral results at energies below 10 keV from Chandra. The possibility of detecting PSR J1846-0258 with GLAST is discussed as well as the implications a GLAST detection would have on pulsar theory, specifically photon splitting In the magnetospheres of high-field pulsars

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