
Further Assessment of MVD Effects in SLD Applications


The study reported here is part of an effort to develop scaling methods for super cooled large droplet (SLD) conditions. Previously reported results showed that SLD main ice shapes can be simulated quite successfully by appendix C conditions using scaling methods developed for appendix C. However, when the velocity was higher than 100 kt, the feather size and density for SLD tests at MVDs well above 100 m was not well represented by the scaled appendix C conditions. This paper reports additional results of a study of the feather region with the objective of identifying differences between SLD and appendix C feathers. Both the feather appearance and the angle at which feathers grow from the airfoil surface were recorded over a range of MVD from 20 to 190 m for airspeeds of 100 and 200 kt and stagnation freezing fractions of 0.3 to 1.0. Tests were performed in the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) using a 91-cm-chord NACA0012 airfoil model mounted at 0 degrees AOA. Photographs are presented to illustrate details of feather appearance. Appearance was noticeably affected by the stagnation freezing fraction of the test, but not by velocity or MVD. The angle of feather growth relative to the chord line decreased with increasing stagnation freezing fraction. For a velocity of 100 kt, no significant effect of MVD on feather angle was apparent, but at 200 kt, feather angle tended to increase with MVD for glaze conditions, but not rime. This finding is based on limited data, and its significance with respect to icing physics has not been determined

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