
Ar-Ar Ages of Nakhlites Y000593, NWA998, and Nakhla and CRE Age of NWA998.


The seven known Martian nakhlites are Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, and four recent finds from hot and cold deserts: MIL03346 from the Transantarctic Mountains, a paired group from the Yamato Mountains (Y000593, Y000749, and Y000802; 1), and two from Morocco (NWA998 and NWA817; 2). Radiometric ages (Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, and Ar-Ar) for the first three nakhlites, along with Chassigny, fall in the range of 1.19-1.37 Gyr and may suggest a common formation age (e.g., 3). These meteorites also show very similar cosmic-ray (space) exposure ages, which suggests a single ejection event from Mars (3). The ages for nakhlites are different from those of Martian shergottites, whose radiometric ages vary by nearly a factor of three (approximately 165-475 Myr) and whose space exposure ages vary over a factor of approximately 20 (3). Shergottite ages suggest that multiple locations on the Martian surface have been sampled, whereas nakhlite data imply that only one Mars surface location has been sampled. Because older Martian surfaces are expected to be more abundant, it seems surprising that all nakhlites would represent only one Martian impact event. To address this issue, we are measuring the Ar-39-Ar-40 ages of Y-000593, NWA-998, Nakhla, and MIL-03346, and the space (CRE) exposure age of NWA998

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