
Nonbiomedical stroke practitioners in Aceh


This is the accepted version of the following article: Norris, M., Allotey, P. and Barrett, G. (2011), Nonbiomedical stroke practitioners in Aceh. International Journal of Stroke, 6: 152–154. doi: 10.1111/j.1747- 4949.2010.00575.x, which has been published in final form at resources in Indonesia are limited; however, there has been demand to include nonbiomedical practitioners in stroke care. This paper will present a snapshot of available nonbiomedical stroke ‘services’ used by stroke survivors in two subdistricts of Aceh, Indonesia. Data were collected through interviews, observations, focus groups and vignettes with stroke survivors, their carers, biomedical and nonbiomedical stroke practitioners. Two categories of nonbiomedical practitioners were identified, all of whom discussed and demonstrated an understanding and approach to stroke treatment with multiple layers of influence, predominantly, education, religion and culture. There were a number of areas of overlap between the two categories; some of these influences were also evident in the biomedical practitioners

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