Principle 7: privacy


Privacy-respecting policy and innovation starts with strong data protection and privacy legislation, as well as with business models that align with lawfulness, fairness, transparency, data minimisation, purpose and storage limitations. Privacy-by-design manifests through policies and design features that give users meaningful control over the visibility, access and use of personally identifiable data. Privacy also requires legislation and security measures to prevent unauthorised access to data.1 The principle of privacy-by-design draws on children’s right to the protection of privacy and image, requiring responsible handling of personal data, including: • Deployment of appropriate security measures to guard against unauthorised access to personal data. • Compliance with data protection principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, data minimisation, accuracy, purpose and storage limitation. • Respect for children’s agency, dignity and safety in the sharing and use of children’s data. Threats to children’s right to privacy and data protection in the digital environment manifest in three domains: interpersonal, institutional (e.g., education, health) and commercial (Stoilova et al., 2021). In each domain, specific considerations apply to ensure children’s privacy is protected along with their other rights

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