Braided Carbon Fiber Rope Flow Characteristics


I am submitting the following technical subject for consideration as a thesis topic for the master degree: The reusable solid rocket motor (RSRM) nozzle internal joints are being evaluated for the incorporation of a carbon fiber rope (CFR) as a thermal barrier. The CFR is approximately 0.260 in. diameter and is composed of approximately 12,000 carbon fibers, woven in ten sheaths or layers. The CFR is manufactured by a sub-tier vendor and subsequently several of its manufacturing details are proprietary to that vendor. The CFR design intent is to prevent hot motor combustion products and slag from intruding into the joint scaling area while still approaching a vented joint design to avoid the detriments of gas jet impingement. As a member of the Heat Transfer section at Thiokol Propulsion, two main goals exist as part of this NASA funded design effort: (1) development of flow model through the CFR and (2) development of a heat transfer model through the CFR. While both models are needed and most probably interrelated, the gas flow model is being targeted as the subject matter. Essentially, the topic would be "Modeling of Gas Flow through a Braided Carbon Fiber Rope". An AIAA journal or conference paper is being considered through Thiokol/NASA as well. A sub-scale CFR flow test fixture was designed to simulate the relative levels of CFR compression. The test fixture provides the means to measure gas mass flow rate upstream of the CFR and the pressure and temperature both upstream and downstream of the CFR. The test fixture was designed to eliminate the possibility of dynamic gapping at the CFR location and provide minimal flow resistance to ambient for gases exiting the rope. The data collected in the experiment will be evaluated to define a permeability/flow resistance model. Two possibilities exist for the flow characteristics through the CFR from choked flow to strictly friction driven. A test matrix for evaluating the CFR has been compiled, which addresses both of these characteristics. The range of pressures to be tested covers a relatively low delta pressure where non-choked flow is impossible, while the high pressure shown is dictated by the RSRM joint operating pressure where choking is possible. The test matrix, was also designed for a range of rope compressions or test fixture gaps ranging from 0.025" to 0.070". These gaps are controlled by the range of RSRM full-scale hardware joint gaps that will be expected by virtue of the joint design

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