Neuro Hub; an Insight to Neurological Disorders


In a protein- protein interaction network highly connected proteins are known as hubproteins. Hub proteins play a crucial part in the modular structure of the protein interaction network. They play a fundamental part in a wide range of biological processes in a number of different ways, and they are also to responsible for a number of diseases like cancer, auto immune disorders, and neuro degenerative illnesses. Among them the most common one is neuro degenerative disease. In order to give information about neuro degenerative diseases brought on by hub proteins, a database called Neuro Hub was established. Electronic databases maintain data in a persistent, non- volatile form that allows operations to be repeated and compared with other operations, with the results communicated to other researchers and developers. “Neuro Hub” is a database which was developed using CSS, HTML and Javascript. It contains information on neuro degenerative diseases caused by hub proteinsgallery of neuro hubs, references and new events showing the updated information. Currently there is no database connecting hub protein and neuro degenerative disorders. Hence “Neuro Hubs remains as a primary accession point for retrieving information related to hub proteins responsible for neuro degenerative diseases. Researchers are trying to solve the mystery and stigma associated with this disease and the discipline Bioinformatics it will be a useful one. The development of high- throughput technologies has generated large amount of sequence and structural data. These huge amounts of data are available in public domain databases but mining the specific data is quite a Herculean task. These challenges can be overcome from the database“Neuro hub”

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