Predictive Accuracy of PESAS Score in Emergency Abdominal Surgeries


Background: Because of their unpredictability and potential for negative outcomes, emergency abdominal procedures provide considerable clinical problems. For the purpose of optimising patient care and guiding surgical decisions, accurate preoperative assessment is crucial. In this situation, the “Physiological Emergency Surgery Acuity Score (PESAS)” has shown promise as a tool for risk categorization and prognostication. The purpose of this study was to assess how well the PESAS score predicted the outcomes of emergency abdominal surgery. Methods: 80 patients with clinical signs of an acute abdomen were enrolled in a tertiary care facility over the course of 18 months. Each patient was evaluated using the PESAS score, which is based on physiological factors such heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and level of awareness. Low-risk (PESAS 8), intermediate-risk (PESAS 9–12), and high-risk (PESAS 13–15) patient categories were created. The results of the surgery, including both survival and non-survival, were documented Results: The survival rate for patients with PESAS scores of 8 or less was 100%, while the survival rate for patients with scores of 9 to 12 was 16.66%. 0% of patients whose scores were between 13 and 15 survived. These results show a significant relationship between PESAS scores and successful surgical outcomes. Conclusion: For predicting surgical outcomes in urgent abdominal procedures, the PESAS score is an invaluable preoperative tool. It facilitates decision-making, risk classification, and improved preoperative communication with patients and their families. To completely incorporate the PESAS score into clinical practise, which could result in better patient-centred treatment and resource allocation, more investigation and validation studies are required

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