Gravitational Effects on the Morphology and Kinetics of Photodeposition of Polydiacetylene Thin Films From Monomer Solutions


The goal of this proposed work is to study gravitational effects on the photodeposition of polydiacetylene thin films from monomer solutions onto transparent substrates. Polydiacetylenes have been an extensively studied class of organic polymers because they exhibit many unusual and interesting properties, including electrical conductivity and optical nonlinearity. Their long polymeric chains render polydiacetylenes readily conducive to thin film formation, which is necessary for many applications. These applications require thin polydiacetylene films possessing uniform thicknesses, high purity, minimal inhomogeneities and defects (such as scattering centers), etc. Also, understanding and controlling the microstructure and morphology of the films is important for optimizing their electronic and optical properties. The lack of techniques for processing polydiacetylenes into such films has been the primary limitation to their commercial use. We have recently discovered a novel method for the formation of polydiacetylene thin films using photo-deposition from monomer solutions onto transparent substrates with UV light. This technique is very simple to carry out, and can yield films with superior quality to those produced by conventional methods. Furthermore, these films exhibit good third-order properties and are capable of waveguiding. We have been actively studying the chemistry of diacetylene polymerization in solution and the photo-deposition of polydiacetylene thin films from solution. It is well-known that gravitational factors such as buoyancy-driven convection and sedimentation can affect chemical and mass transport processes in solution. One important aspect of polydiacetylene thin film photodeposition in solution, relevant to microgravity science, is that heat generated by absorption of UV radiation induces thermal density gradients that under the influence of gravity, can cause fluid flows (buoyancy-driven convection). Additionally, changes in the chemical composition of the solution during polymerization may cause solutal convection. These fluid flows affect transport of material to and from the film surface and thereby affect the kinetics of the growth process. This manifests itself in the morphology of the resulting films; films grown under the influence of convection tend to have less uniform thicknesses, and can possess greater inhomogeneities and defects. Specifically, polydiacetylene films photodeposited from solution, when viewed under a microscope, exhibit very small particles of solid polymer which get transported by convection from the bulk solution to the surface of the growing film and become embedded. Even when carried out under conditions designed to minimize unstable density gradients (i.e., irradiating the solution from the top), some fluid flow still takes place (particles remain present in the films). It is also possible that defect nucleation may be occurring within the films or on the surface of the substrate; this, too, can be affected by convection (as is the case with crystal growth). Hence films grown in 1-g will, at best, still possess some defects. The objective of this proposal is to investigate, both in 1-g and in low-g, the effects of gravitational factors (primarily convection) on the dynamics of these processes, and on the quality, morphology, and properties of the films obtained

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