An Evaluation of Oceanographic Optical Instruments and Deployment Methodologies


The primary objective of the Sea-viewing, Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project is to produce water- leaving radiances with an uncertainty of 5% in clear-water regions and chlorophyll a concentrations within +/- 35% over the range of 0.05-50 mg/cu m. Any global mission, like SeaWiFS, requires validation data be submitted from a wide variety of investigators which places a significant challenge on quantifying the total uncertainty associated with the in situ measurements, because each investigator follows slightly different practices when it comes to implementing all of the steps associated with collecting field data, even those with a prescribed set of protocols. This study uses data from multiple cruises to quantify the uncertainties associated with implementing data collection procedures while utilizing differing in-water optical instruments and deployment methods. A comprehensive approach is undertaken and includes: (1) the use of a portable light source and in-water intercomparisons to monitor the stability of the field radiometers, (2) alternative methods for acquiring reference measurements, and (3) different techniques for making in-water profiles. The only system to meet the 5% radiometric objective of the SeaWiFS Project was a free-fall profiler using (relatively inexpensive) modular components, although a more sophisticated (and comparatively expensive) profiler using integral components was very close and only 1% higher. A relatively inexpensive system deployed with a winch and crane was also close, but the ship shadow contamination problem increased the total uncertainty to approximately 6.5%

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