Models of Plumes: Their Flow, Their Geometric Spreading, and Their Mixing with Interplume Flow


There are two types of plume flow models: (1) 1D models using ad hoc spreading functions, f(r); (2) MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) models. 1D models can be multifluid, time dependent, and incorporate very general descriptions of the energetics. They confirm empirical results that plume flow is slow relative to requirements for high speed wind. But, no published 1 D model incorporates the rapid local spreading at the base (fl(r)) which has an important effect on mass flux. The one published MHD model is isothermal, but confirms that if b=8*pi*p/absolute value(B)2<<l then the field is nearly potential below -70,000 km. Building on the MHD result, we apply a two scale approximation to calculate fl(r). We also compute the global spreading (fg(r)) out to 5.0 RSUN imposed by coronal hole geometry. Global MHD models provide a potent method of calculating fg(r). Unambiguous plume signatures have not yet been found in the solar wind. This is probably due to strong mixing of plume and interplume flows near the Sun. We describe a physical source for strong mixing due to the observed flows being unstable to shear instabilities that lead to rapid disruption

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