OARE and SAMS on STS-94/MSL-1


Four microgravity acceleration measurement instruments were included on MSL-1 to measure the accelerations and vibrations to which science experiments were exposed during their operation on the mission. The data were processed and presented to the principal investigators in a variety of formats to aid their assessment of the microgravity environment during their experiment operations. Two accelerometer systems managed by the NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) supported the MSL-1 mission: the Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment (OARE), and the Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS). In addition, the Microgravity Measurement Assembly (MMA) and the Quasi- Steady Acceleration Measurement (QSAM) system, both sponsored by the Microgravity Research Division, collected acceleration data as a part of the MSL-1 mission. The NIMA was funded and designed by the European Space Agency in the Netherlands (ESA/ESTEC), and the QSAM system was funded and designed by the German Space Agency (DLR). The Principal Investigator Microgravity Services (PIMS) project at the NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) supports Principal Investigators (PIs) of the Microgravity science community as they evaluate the effects of acceleration on their experiments. PIMS primary responsibility is to support NASA-sponsored investigators in the area of acceleration data analysis and interpretation. A mission summary report was prepared and published by PIMS in order to furnish interested experiment investigators with a guide for evaluating the acceleration environment during the MSL-1 mission

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