Arrangement of vortex lattices
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A new method is developed for solving the lifting-surface equation for thin wings. The solution requires the downwash equation to be in the form of Cauchy integrals which can be interpreted as a vortex lattice with the positions of the vortices and control points dictated by the finite sum used to approximate the integrals involved. Lan's continuous loading method is employed for the chordwise integral since it properly accounts for the leading-edge singularity, Cauchy singularity, and Kutta condition. Unlike Lan, the spanwise loading is also continuous and the Cauchy singularity in the spanwise integral is also properly accounted for by using the midpoint trapezoidal rule and the theory of Chebyshev polynomials. This technique yields the exact classical solution to Prandtl's lifting-line equation.The solution to the lifting-surface equation for rectangular wings was found to compare well with other continuous loading methods, but with much smaller computational times, and to converge faster than other vortex lattice methods