
Use of the SRI electronic satellite image analysis console for mapping southern Arizona plant communities from ERTS-1 imagery


Cloud-free imagery covering the Tucson, Ariz., region for the period from August 22 to November 2, 1972, was used to determine the utility of ERTS-1 data for discriminating boundaries between plant communities. The following studies were made from imagery analyzed by use of an Electronic Satellite Image Analysis Console: (1) console-generated color composites from MSS-5 and MSS-6 bands were recorded photographically from the console color monitor. The color photographs were then used to compare with short-term changes in vegetative cover observed on the ground; (2) using the console, microdensitometric traces were made along selected traverses to quantify changes in scene irradiance across the image field; (3) quantitative plant coverage data, collected at ground-truth stations along the traverses, were compared with the densitometric values

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