How to measure greenness? : metrics in green chemistry


The presentation delves into the metrics used to assess the "greenness" of chemical procedures and processes, categorizing them into two primary segments. The first, "Simple Greenness Indicators", are quantitative parameters derived from empirical or estimated data, offering insights into environmental impacts such as waste generation, energy consumption, or hazardous substance involvement. Especially, the Chlortox scale is introduced as a significant metric to gauge the toxicity of substances. The second segment encompasses "Models", intricate tools providing a holistic view of greenness by considering multiple criteria. Notable models include the Green Analytical Procedures Index (GAPI), its complex variant ComplexGAPI, the Analytical GREEnness metric approach (AGREE), and AGREEprep, which focuses on sample preparation. The RGB model stands out, with Red representing performance, Green symbolizing sustainability, and Blue indicating practical and economic criteria. This presentation serves as a valuable resource for academic teachers, offering a structured approach to seamlessly integrate the metrics of green chemistry into the curriculum, thereby fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to sustainable practices in the next generation of chemists

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