
Photosynthetic Gas Exchange in the Closed Ecosystem for Space. Phase II, Part II. Studies on the Growth of Thermophilic Chlorella 71105


Bench-scale studies with Chlorella pyrenoidosa 71105 were conducted in four- and eight-liter culture vessels, with and without recycling. It was established that the algal strain could be maintained for periods up to 72 days with supplemented re-cycled medium. In a factorial series of experiments, the highest yields were obtained with a 2.0% concentration of carbon dioxide, a 0.07 dilution factor (nutrient dilution rate/culture volume), and an 8.5 ft(exp -1) ratio of light surface to liquid culture volume. Optimum pH and concentrations of the constituents of the growth medium were determined in corollary test-tube studies. Other test-tube studies showed that the nutrient medium used for mass culture could be stored up to five weeks at 25 C or at refrigerator temperature (4 C) with little change in nitrogen-urea level. Algal suspensions stored at 4 C remained viable for periods of at least 12 weeks; growth resumed after a lag period when stored suspensions were cultured at 39 C. Streptomycin was found suitable for controlling a blue-green containment

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