Implementation of a Passive Acoustic Barrier for Surveillance


Dias, A. R., Santos, N. P., & Lobo, V. (2023). Implementation of a Passive Acoustic Barrier for Surveillance. In OCEANS 2023 - Limerick (pp. 1-6). IEEE Computer Society. the end of the cold war, the interest in underwater warfare decreased dramatically. However, recent developments have brought underwater warfare back to center stage. Anti-submarine warfare is always one of the major concerns of a navy since it is difficult to detect an enemy submarine in the vast ocean. Conjugating the recent developments in unmanned vehicles and active and passive acoustic surveillance, we can perform better data fusion and increase our knowledge about the events occurring in our waters. The processed data originating from acoustic surveillance can potentially be an essential source of naval intelligence. An acoustic barrier can perform this detection with success. Still, these systems require highly qualified personnel to operate, present a costly infrastructure, and are hard to implement and maintain. Data fusion from multiple sources, and even from low-cost sensors with noisy measures, are a promising solution, especially if resource optimization is a priority. The implementation described in this paper is intended to be proof of concept of a low-cost implementation in shallow waters that can be easily expanded and evolved to different scenarios. The preliminary results obtained confirm that this is a viable solution.authorsversionpublishe

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