Ultra Wideband for Shipyard 5.0 Indoor Gantry Crane High-Precision Positioning


Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] The shipyard of the future, called Shipyard 5.0, is a highly technological environment where real-time monitoring of products, by-products and transport vehicles is crucial. Among the technologies able to locate such elements indoors, Ultra Wideband (UWB) is a good option for providing accurate positioning. However, the use of UWB in shipyards faces challenges due to interference from metallic objects, which impacts its accuracy. To validate the use of UWB in a shipyard, this paper presents tests that were carried out in workshops that Navantia owns in Ferrol’s estuary, where UWB tags were placed on a gantry crane hook. The presented results show the performance of the system when locating the hook in 3D and the impact of attaching multiple tags to the hook to harness signal diversity. Specifically, a relatively lowerror is obtained when estimating only the height of the gantry crane hook (approximately 1 m), while the threedimensional positioning error reached an error of between 2 and 3m for the z-axisXunta de Galicia; IN853C 2022/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/15This work has been funded by CITIC that is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional e Universidades and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research centres of the Galician University System (CIGUS), by the Xunta de Galicia (by grant ED431C 2020/15), and by grant PID2020-118857RA-100 (ORBALLO) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. In addition, this work has been supported by Xunta de Galicia through Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN) by grant IN853C 2022/01, Centro Mixto de Investigaci ón UDC-NAVANTIA “O estaleiro do futuro”, which is ongoing until the end of September 2025. The support was inherited from both the starting and consolidation stages of the same project throughout 2015- 2018 and 2018-2021, respectively. This stage is also co-funded by ERDF funds from the EU in the framework of program FEDER Galicia 2021-202

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